sábado, 28 de fevereiro de 2015

terça-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2015

"Me right now. What a night. Congratulations to all the nominees, performers, and winners! Let's party! #Oscars" Lady Gaga

"I will never forget tonight. Thank you Azzedine Alaia for this stunning piece. It took 1600 hrs of embroidery and 25 people in Paris, he's never before made a dress for the Oscars. What an honor. The gloves were hand dyed Crimson, baby orchid blooms hand painted in my hair and killer pear shaped diamonds by Lorraine Schwartz. #Oscars" Lady Gaga

sexta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2015

"My favorite part of my engagement ring, Taylor and Lorraine designed "TS" in white diamonds on the band. He always called me by my birth name. Since our very first date. I'm such a happy bride-to-be! I can't stop smiling!!" Lady Gaga

"I'm always in love with the mini dolls, but these ones of me and Tony taking pictures w our Grammys are!" Lady Gaga

"It's OSCAR time baby!" Lady Gaga

quarta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2015

Lady Gaga's 2014 Harper's Bazaar cover is nominated for an American Society of Magazine Editors award for "Best Cover in Fashion and Beauty." To vote for Gaga, just click to visit this page, http://on.fb.me/1BTDGYB, and like the photo.

"Always a good time with my buddy. I'll never forget when he called me last year to work and I hung up the phone cuz I thought it was a prank!" Lady Gaga.

"Had a beautiful session with Sir Paul McCartney and friends. Working on one of his many secret projects! Killer musicians, vibe, and lots of laughs." Lady Gaga.